Thursday, May 8, 2008

Unwritten rule: Don't put your breast milk in the office fridge

Cue Song: "One of these things is not like the other..."

I'm going to give you a list of things I found in our office communal fridge today - and you have to guess which item doesn't seem to belong there. Ready?
Avocado, Sandwich, Leftover Chinese Food, Salad Dressing, Yogurt, Pre-packaged Salad, Mustard, BREAST MILK IN A BABY BOTTLE, String Cheese.
Ok, did any of those look unusual to you? Perhaps, one of them struck you as not being appropriate for a communal fridge in a professional office setting?
A note to the socially inept culprit: Really? Is this what it's come to? You feel THIS comfortable and self-righteous that you think your colleagues will marvel at breast milk for your god-forsaken child? And why is the bottle at work? Clearly your baby is not here. Please, oh PLEASE do not tell me your pumping in your office and then bringin' the goods to the kitchen.

That milk is one hungover idiot away from being in someones coffee this morning.


B L T said...

how did you know? did this person label it? and more importantly, do you know who the lactator is??

M. said...

I am completely horrified by this!

One Chatty Chica said...

I know, it is horrible. I've been trying to sniff out the perp, but the lactator is not showing her face...